Advanced Neuromuscular Integration
For Therapists, Coaches & Movement Practitioners
Next Course Dates - Dublin
15 March 2025 FULL
27 April 2025

For Therapists, Coaches & Movement Practitioners
Next Course Dates - Dublin
15 March 2025 FULL
27 April 2025
You will leave this training with a clear roadmap of how to work with your client no matter how seemingly complex their injury is.
Learn how to instantly recognise compensatory patterns that lead to pain, weakness and instability.
Quickly override pain & dysfunction
Soft tissue releases, muscle Activations
& movement drills.
Facilitate the body's capacity to heal and achieve consistent results.
Identify compensatory patterns
Practice useful breathing habits to regulate your stress response.
1 day in person training.
Includes On Demand Tutorials
Follow up Q&A session.
EB price €200
Learn how to quickly identify the imbalances that lie beneath your clients chronic pain and injury.
The interventions are logical and measurable so you will know immediately if you are being effective.
Support your client to understand what is happening and why it’s happening will expedite their healing process.
Advanced Neuromuscular Itegration assesses the body as an, intelligent interconnected system and not just a series of isolated parts. We train the practitoner to successfully locate and treat instability or weakness in any part of the body.
The results are immediate. Your client will feel the changes as they happen and you, the Therapist will feel incredibly satisfied that you are actually making a difference.
Improved Client Outcomes
By shifting your observations and assessments to this holistic, integrated method will create immediate clarity for you and for your client and expedite their healing process.
For qualified therapists who have completed professional training and are feeling overwhelmed and not confident.
For athletes and coaches who want to understand what hinders their performance and how to change that.
Do i need to be a qualified therapist?
You need to hold a professional certification in therapy, coaching or movement.
Will I recieve a certificate?
Yes, you will receive proof of attendance for continued professional development.
Is there aftercare support?
Yes, via online tutorials. 1:1 mentoring programmes and a Q&A session.
This course is not just an educational opportunity; it's a chance to become excited about your work, to transform your practice and elevate your clients' understanding of themselves in support of their own well-being.
After being active and healthy all of my life in 2009 I was knocked off my bike on a rain soaked Amsterdam morning and did myself a fair bit of damage.
In my quest to heal my injuries I tried every modality I could find and I spent a fortune on courses and treatments. I listened to endless lectures; I trained, I up-skilled and I studied more and more. I also spent a long time complaining about what I could no longer do rather on why my body wasn’t healing. Thankfully clarity came during a lecture by S.A. Physiotherapist, Douglas Heel, entitled, "What if everything you know is wrong." That lecture changed my direction and helped me to understand why all the other healing modalities I'd been exposed to hadn't worked.
Based on the things I learned, I applied to my own healing, my clinic and in my yoga practice and I was astounded by how quickly things changed for the better.
These days I help other therapists to be more effective and confident in their practices by sharing the knowledge that changed my working practices.
Leon Chaitow. Douglas Heel. The Stecco's
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